Notre mission

R20 Regions of Climate Action (R20) est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale (ONG) fondée en novembre 2010 par Arnold Schwarzenegger avec le soutien de l’Organisation des Nations Unies.

La mission du R20 est d’aider les gouvernements infra-étatiques, les collectivités territoriales et principalement les régions à élaborer des projets permettant de réduire les émissions de carbone, ou de mettre en place des systèmes d’énergie renouvelable et d’efficacité énergétique.

Aujourd’hui, le pipeline idéal de projets d’énergies propres n’est pas effectif, bien que les organismes intergouvernementaux, les gouvernements nationaux, les gouvernements sous-nationaux, les organisations non-gouvernementales, les universitaires, les fournisseurs de technologie et les partenaires financiers publics et privés partagent la même vision et souhaitent mettre en œuvre des actions concrètes.

Selon nous, cela est dû à un certain nombre de facteurs:

  • Les politiques nationales et infra-étatiques ne sont actuellement pas assez sensibilisées aux solutions politiques, techniques et financières de long terme pour une économie durable, sûre et propre ;
  • Les développeurs de projet ne savent pas comment identifier, concevoir et communiquer la bonne information aux investisseurs du projet ;
  • Les investisseurs ne savent pas comment intégrer les investissements à faible carbone dans leurs instruments et portefeuilles d’investissement existants.

Le R20 solutionne ces différents problèmes et propose de mettre en place des projets verts économiquement viables et durables au niveau régional et infra-étatique. Ceci est rendu possible par la connexion établie entre les élus locaux, les experts et les finances.


Notre Charte

The R20 — Regions of Climate Action Charter
November 16, 2010.

WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to advance a new green economy by mobilizing clean technologies, climate resilient innovation and green investing in the financial sector, including through public-private partnerships;

WHEREAS, the delay in reaching a new binding international agreement on climate change creates both a responsibility and an opportunity for all stakeholders to tackle climate change in new and creative ways, and reinforces the importance of sustained efforts to achieve a global agreement;

WHEREAS, each day lost increases the costs of stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions levels to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system, and diminishes the adaptive capacities of the most vulnerable societies and populations;

WHEREAS, addressing these issues requires an unprecedented level of cooperation and collaboration, especially between subnational governments in developed and developing countries from around the world;

WHEREAS, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other international bodies, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and International Energy Agency, have recognized that subnational governments play a key role in rising to the climate challenge and are responsible for the majority of the actions required to halt climate change as well as to adapt to its impacts;

WHEREAS, the mission of the R20 is to develop and implement low-carbon and climate-resilient projects through cooperation among developed and developing country subnational governments, non-governmental organizations, corporations and educational institutions.

Through these efforts, the R20 demonstrates both the capacity and willingness of these entities to tackle climate change and create strong green and climate-resilient economies;

WHEREAS, the R20 will achieve its mission by:

Catalyzing partnerships between regions for fast track actions, especially in energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean transportation; Mobilizing and leveraging technology, public funding and private-sector finance where appropriate; and Aiming to reach the objectives of the territorial approach to climate change in partnership with UNDP, UNEP and other UN agencies and associations of regions.

WHEREAS, in so doing, the R20 will show that 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions reductions needed by 2020 to limit the increase in world average temperature to 2 degrees Celsius can be achieved at no net cost, that many projects will generate new economic benefits, and that promoting climate resilience and adaptation will similarly result in significant cost saving and generate economic benefits and opportunities;

NOW THEREFORE, in furtherance of the goals and principles of the 2008 and 2009 Global Climate Solution Declarations signed at the Governors’ Global Climate Summit in Los Angeles, California, we hereby pledge our support to the mission of the R20.

Télécharger la liste des signataires