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2020 Goalkeepers: leading progress for the global goals

By TEAM R20 | 2nd October 2020 | Updated at 10:10

A Greener World

| In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development to achieve a better world by 2030. Started by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Goalkeepers is a catalyst for action toward these goals—bringing together leaders from around the world to accelerate progress toward ending poverty and fighting inequality.


Progress is possible, but it is not inevitable. Despite remarkable advances in the fight against poverty, inequality, and disease, the job is far from finished.

Goalkeepers is dedicated to accelerating progress towards the Global Goals: using powerful stories, data, and partnerships to highlight progress achieved, hold governments accountable and bring together a new generation of leaders to address the world’s major challenges.

The inaugural Goalkeepers event in 2017 hosted a diverse group of leaders. Speakers, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Barack Obama, and Malala Yousafzai, shared their stories of bold leadership and innovative solutions that are driving progress on the Global Goals.

In 2018, Goalkeepers focused on youth population growth that will affect future world progress. If countries invest in the health and education of their young people, we will unlock productivity and innovation, cut poverty, and generate further prosperity. But if we ignore young people’s potential, we risk jeopardizing the progress that has been made – going backwards on gender equity, political stability, health outcomes, and economic prosperity.

For 2019, the focus was on the challenge of fighting global inequality to ensure no one is left behind. Every person should have an equal opportunity to lead a healthy, productive life. Addressing the inequalities that create disadvantages and hurdles for many is vital if we hope to accelerate progress.

Who are Goalkeepers?

Goalkeepers are leaders who take a stand on the issues they care about and innovate in their communities to achieve the Global Goals. We need people everywhere to raise their voices, help build awareness of the Global Goals, and hold their government leaders accountable for progress.

2020 Goalkeepers global goals award winners

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